Monday, November 22, 2010


Isaac has always loved bananas, but recently his love has turned into an obsession. When he wakes he is saying nana, nana, and pointing until we arrive at the basket of fruit, where he then escalates the nana nana nana chant until he sits in his bumbo and gets the first bite.

We give him chunks of banana, and he literally sticks the whole thing in his mouth...he uses two hands for a good grip.

Then he will hold the massive amount of banana in his mouth with 2 little fingers while he chews.

And then he is done. But wait...nana NaNa NANA...he wants another. One day I (stephanie) went out to run some errands. When I came home, Isaac was awake from his nap eating a banana (big surprise). Ryan said that he was on his second banana at that point. I did a quick calculation in my head at added up the banana count for that day to a grand total of 4! I think we need to restrict the banana take down a little.